
The video of the BFWE event

The video of the BFWE event

Bologna is at the heart of the ecological transition. Watch the video of the event "Research and Innovation, Digitization, Sustainability: the road to ecological transition", promoted by BolognaFiere Water & Energy - BFWE.
BFWE in Bologna for the ecological transition

BFWE in Bologna for the ecological transition

6 events one big meeting. This is the goal of BolognaFiere Water & Energy - BFWE - the joint venture between BolognaFiere and Mirumir that focuses on the ecological transition. Among the events managed by BFWE is also Dronitaly - main event on the use of remotely piloted vehicles for professional use in Italy.
Progetto Urano: integrazione tra satelliti e droni

Progetto Urano: integrazione tra satelliti e droni

L’obiettivo del nuovo progetto di ricerca Urano, dedicato ai velivoli a pilotaggio remoto (Rpas) e senza pilota (Uas), è l’integrazione dei droni nel sistema nazionale di gestione del traffico aereo.